Mobile App

Convert More Opportunities With Lead Connector Mobile App

Powered By Link Systems

Our Mobile App

Convert More Opportunities With Lead Connector Mobile App

Powered By Link Systems

Get More Things Done On The GO!

Work Better

With Our

Mobile App

Put the power of our Link System right in your mobile phone to pick things up anywhere. Download the Lead Connector app here. Powered by Link Systems!

Rated 4.8 out of 5 by Real Users

Premium Support & Onboarding

Flexible, Capable, & Easy-To-Use

Convert Messages

into leads with the App

Every conversation starts with a name and a real phone number, so you can

immediately focus on closing the deal instead of fishing for contact details.

Mobile App

Engage leads instantly

on your site or Social

Engage your website visitors right when they come in. Webchat + Mobile App makes the conversation real-time, efficient, and convenient wherever you are.

Keep your visitors

engaged even when

they leave your website

Our Mobile App allows you to text your leads even when

they leave your website. Using business texting we

route messages to their mobile phone so you don't

lose them. Pick up the conversation on the go with ease.


Make the Workflow

processes yours

Add a personal touch to your chat window by

customizing chat icons, colors, and the greeting.

Let visitors know who they'll be chatting with. Add

names, photos, or even a pic of your business


Customer Experience Done Right

A Flexible Solution With

Lots of Advantages

Link Systems is the only comprehensive platform for customer experiences that offers a range of products that scale with your business. Get started below to see how Link Systems can help impact your organization. Call, Text, Social DM, Email, Book, Review, Task, Note, Invoice, and More all in one app.

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Explore a better way to grow

(540) 318-2206

(540) 318-2206

Copyright Link Systems 2024 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.